An ode to the joys of drinking wine.

Friday, May 4, 2007


To w(h)ine, or not to wine… that is the question? When I think back on my salad days, primarily during the swinging sixties and early seventies, it was a time period characterized by excess, of a kind. I was young, in college and having fun. It was a time of tremendous freedom, sexually and politically. I had a large Afro hairstyle, along with my mini dress or on occasion, African dress. We protested, marched, sat in school administration buildings, used the pill and loved the one we were with, at the time. We even drank wine.

Our pocketbooks were spare and like students today, we drank affordable beverages. Boone’s Farm, Scuppernong, Bali Hai, Ripple and the infamous MD 20-20. Looking back, I know that I never liked those wines(and I use that word loosely to describe them ). I became a social drinker of spirits, vodka, usually mixed with fruit juice.

I believe my palate had been ruined in college by those frou-frou pseudo wines. Throughout the ensuing years of marriage and later divorce,I never re-trained my taste buds or tried to educate myself about wine until the early 90’s.

So essentially for twenty years, from 1971-1991, I did not drink wine, outside of an occasional spritzer at a social event.

As I write these words, I am appalled at all the years I LOST, by not drinking wine and educating myself to its attributes, varieties and complexities.If this sounds like a w(h)ine, then so be it! So my focus, my raison d’etre for this blog is to chronicle my wine journey.I want to keep a record of the wines I’ve enjoyed and share with others the characteristics and qualities that impact my wine experience.


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