An ode to the joys of drinking wine.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Simply Complex

Wine is such a simple yet complex entity.Throughout history the grape has played an important part in establishing cultural identity and smoothing political paths around the world.Diplomacy owes a lot to the imbibing of the local grape, whether in Italy, France,Spain, South Africa, Australia, Greece, Argentina, Chile, or the United States.

As a relatively new wine lover my journey towards developing an interest in wine came with sampling Chilean wines at a local restaurant on Long Island. If memory serves, it was a Sauvignon Blanc, Casa Lapostelle ,that garnered my attention and rave reviews in the mid 90's. I think prior to that I had been drinking an inexpensive vintners such as Santa Rita, as well as, Concho Y Toro chardonnay. I enjoyed those two, however the Casa Lapostelle stood out and began my wine tasting and buying that continues today.

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